Sunday, April 29, 2012

Starting The Kickstarter Project

There has been more than one occasion in my life when I began something new, I would cross the line into obsession.

Almost immediately, this became one of those incidents.

What started out as research and a rough draft kickstarter project turned into an obsession.  I had started out still unaware if I wanted to devote the time and energy into such a project but that indecisiveness quickly faded when I felt a long dormant passion that I have for radio emerge.

Sounds cheesy doesn’t it?  It does.  But that is what really happened!

It had become clear that I had made my decision.  Despite possibly throwing away my career on a traditional FM station, I had no choice but to chase this dream of mine into making this station become a reality.  This was not something I just conjured up on a whim, I have wanted to do this for years.  My decision had been reached and there was no going back.  I was all in.

In the first 24 hours since beginning the kickstarter project, I had easily spent over 17 of those hours researching.  Looking up what permits and fees that needed to be paid, what equipment I needed to buy, what music to play, etc.  I even started this blog as a progression blog to keep “backers” of the project well-informed.  When I forced myself to sleep I would toss and turn with the curse of continually thinking of new ideas that could contribute to the project.  Obsession had taken a hold of me.

When I finally awoke the next morning, I was back at it again.  I had a lot more work ahead of me.

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