Sunday, April 29, 2012

Moment Of Clarity

I had a pretty busy morning.  I had some other things to take care of that was not related to the station. 

Since my last post I revealed that the project is in limbo at the moment so to speak.  I admit, I was impatient.  I wanted to get the ball rolling, even if it meant doing some of the smaller task that needed to be done.  I just want to make some sort of progress towards it.

First things first, I needed to submit my project and get it approved before I even think about what it is going to take to get it to succeed.

Once a project goes live, according to the guidelines of, if you do not meet your funding goal you will not get any of the funding that had already been pledged.  When the time frame of the project is over, even if you were a dollar short of your goal, all the money gathered up to that point would be returned to the people who supported the project.    That was when an awful thought somehow made its way into my head.  I am already in a type of “go all out” mode and am ready for the massive amount of things that need to be done to make this station a reality.  In fact I have already began proceedings on several aspects even though the funding isn’t guaranteed through  For a moment I thought, what if this project does not meet its funding goal on  Would all my work be in vain?

I am not a pessimistic, I am a realist.  For whatever reason, I had a moment of self-doubt & I quickly dismissed it.  I realized this station is far bigger than me.  If I were to fail on the initial attempt to get funding for it is not a good enough reason to give up hope.  I made a decision.  This station IS happening whether I make my kickstarter funding goal or not.  Sure the funding through kickstarter would make it a hell of a lot easier.  However if I fail on the funding aspect of the project I am still going to pursue in creating this station.

As I have said previously, this is going to be something special.  The people who miss they music they grew up with on the radio deserve this station.  The people who have grown sick and tired of today’s Hip Hop in 2012 deserve this station.   I wanted to be the one who was going to bring it to them.  I have to admit, not coming through with funding would be a huge blow to the project, but it is not something that is strong enough to kill the project overall.

In the end, I am kinda glad I had that small moment of self-doubt.  On the tail end of it I received a moment of clarity and realized my resolve is much higher than it was before.

This IS going to happen.

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